has helped many people haunted by terrible abuse histories and traumatic events
The American Francine Shapiro discovered that by moving the eyes from one side to the other or up and down,the brain seem to process very rapidly and the emotional charge diminishes.The stimulation can be done as well by creating a klicking sound on one side of the ear and then the other.Children have worked through their trauma with tapping on their arms (As people worked with groups odf children after the Tsunami)
This method is very appropriate with Post traumatic stress Syndrom
I trained with EMDR Consultancy level one and intermediate

Shamanic Healing

I involve this into my work when appropriate, it is a way of working on a totally different level as we in the west have known but the basic human understanding is the same
Shamans and healer have over thousands of years being in close contact with nature and god they have been talking and listening to the inner guidance and voices, often achieved in trance. The Shaman listens to the laws of nature and is one with nature one with the cosmos. Therefore rituals and offerings to the spirit world have often a profound effect on the well-being of an individual or a group of people.
In our time there seem to be an awakening of the old knowledge and it can be easily integrated in our daily life.
There are different methods of working with a client who comes for support Soul retrieval-
Energy extraction,
Spiritual light transmission
Working with the ancestors

I find it useful to use Shamanic work as a principle and then integrate light transmission, soul retrieval and energy extraction and ancestral work when agreed with my client.
What is Soulletrieval: When there is trauma, physical or emotional we disassociate from the pain and shock and this is called soul loss if the part which s split off does not come back. It can appear as a feeling not being present, not being in the body, panicky,anxieties and sleeping problems.

I studied with with Alberto VilloldoAberto Villoldo registered with the 4Directions and studied also with Malidoma SomeMalidoma Some and Wananeechee,an Ojibwe Indian and Iam guided by the invisible teachers

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